22 May 2015

Substantial loss for A350 first produced aircraft, as usual.

There is no official information regarding the production costs for A350 but the initially produced aircraft will be delivered at a substantial loss, as it usual for this kind of project.

Source: airplanepicturesbrasil

Differently to Boeing these losses will be counted directly in this year’s Airbus and Airbus Group profit and loss.

Source: Alexander Mikula

While there was a $434m loss provision charged to the bottom line for 2013 results, there were no charges for 2014 and none announced coming up for this year’s results.

Airbus has launched a Recurrent Cost recovery plan as mentioned in corporate presentations.

Based on the article “Bjorn’s Corner: Boeing’s 787 and Airbus’ 350 programs, a snapshot” published in Leeham News.

1 comment:

  1. Not surprised really,the profits come later down the line-but, at this rate of production (4 delivered in 5 months!) it will be a long time before Airbus see any profit on this aircraft.
