There is no official information regarding the production costs for A350 but the initially produced aircraft will be delivered at a substantial loss, as it usual for this kind of project.
Source: airplanepicturesbrasil
Differently to Boeing these losses will be counted directly in this year’s Airbus and Airbus Group profit and loss.
Source: Alexander Mikula
While there was a $434m loss provision charged to the bottom line for 2013 results, there were no charges for 2014 and none announced coming up for this year’s results.
Airbus has launched a Recurrent Cost recovery plan as mentioned in corporate presentations.
Based on the article “Bjorn’s Corner: Boeing’s 787 and Airbus’ 350 programs, a snapshot” published in Leeham News.
Not surprised really,the profits come later down the line-but, at this rate of production (4 delivered in 5 months!) it will be a long time before Airbus see any profit on this aircraft.