04 May 2014

Modular interior cabin increases flexibility to A350 operators. Video

A mockup of the A350 cabin was presented at the Aircraft Interiors Show last month in Hamburg. 

Click on the picture to watch the video -in French-

Roland NaudyAirbus Cabin Marketing Manager presentsexplains and demonstratescomponents in hand, the flexibility of cabin interiors for the airlines. 

Click on the picture to watch the video -in French-

The modular cabin of the A350 is the result of involving airlines from the first day of the development in the concurrence approach called Airline Office. 

Click on the picture to watch the video -in French-

Based on the article "L'aménagement cabine de l'A350 modulable" published in Le Journal de l'Aviation


  1. Hi,

    great blog!

    Can you tell me to whom and when the next a350s will be delivered after Qatar Airways?

  2. It will be Vietnam Airlines#4 and Finnair #3. In 2015.
