11 July 2015

Spirit A350 assembly site in France currently at 4 shipsets/month rate.

After difficult beginnings with his client Airbus in Montoir, American Spirit looks to the future with serenity. The opportunity to open its doors, to show its know-how and to express themselves freely.

In an interview with Jean-Christophe Danieau, Director of Spirit France since last October, it is revealed some details concerning Montoir site where the assembly of the centre fuselage panels received by boat the panels manufactured in Kinston USA is completed.

After completing the assembly (20m. long x 6m. in diameter) , the centre fuselage subassy is delivered to Airbus.

Spirit invested 20 million euros in the assembly site in 2010. Currently, with 2 assembly lines the site has 120 employees and is considering to hire 15 additional blue-collars before end of the year. 12.000 m2 close to the site is ready for future expansion if required.

The company has delivered to Airbus, last week, his 42nd central section fuselage.

Currently the assembly rate is 4 shipments per month, it will be 5 at the end of the year, 7 by next year and 10 per month in 2017.

Based in the article “Aéronautique. Spirit gagne en confiance et s'ouvre au public” published in Ouest-France.


  1. Its about time, that Airbus had another assembly plant other than Toulouse. This plant as modern and large as it is,really is the bottleneck now for the production of Airbus Aircraft.

  2. Its about time, that Airbus had another assembly plant other than Toulouse. This plant as modern and large as it is,really is the bottleneck now for the production of Airbus Aircraft.

    1. If Spirit had shipped now the 42th and had 33 shipments post Q1, the average rate in Q2 was 3 per month. The same rate at which the FAL is loaded since May. The Spirit rate was 2 per month in Q1.
      So Airbus increases the pre FAL speed between Spirit and FAL loading already, leading to 3 FAL loads out 2 Spirit deliveries. Another prove that the whole line is getting faster and has a higher troughput. I guess this is called ramp.
      Today the 7th customer frame (MSN15) is showing up fully equiped up today on flightline. I guess this is proving that they are excuting their actual plan quite well.
